Working towards a greater cause
The Legislative and Political Action Committee implements voter registration activities in the years of national and Virginia state-wide elections and informs the Section of non-partisan political and civic activities throughout the greater Washington, D.C. metro area.
For more information on our legislative and political efforts please contact us at [email protected].

Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, make sure you know how to vote safely and that your voter registration is current.
Use the Virginia Department of Elections’ Citizen Portal to find your voter registration status, voter ID requirements, polling locations, primary elections information and how to vote absentee.
More than 220,000 young people have already casted their ballots in Virginia!
Generation Z and Millenials have the POWER to determine the results of this election, so BELIEVE IN THEM, ENCOURAGE THEM, & SUPPORT THEM with the tools they need to cast their ballot for each and every election! Watch the video below to learn how young people are claiming their Power to Vote.